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1.       Sms product items that you want to buy with the details items as follows:

a.       Category - Product Name / Product Code - The number items you want to buy.

b.      Your name - no. phone / hp - your address (including postal zip code)

c.       Example : The party dress, BP 20213, 3 units are ordered by Sinta, 0812xxxxxxxx, Jl. Menteng No. 1, South Jakarta 16234

2.       Management will register your membership and process your order. Please wait.

3.        Management will contact you about your password login and tell your order.  

4.       Management will also provide confirmation reset all your shopping data. You also will receive a total bill that you should pay (including shipping cost).

5.       Do a payment to one of our account, as follows:

BCA : info later

Bank Mandiri : info later

Paypal : by request (1 USD = Rp. 10.000,-)

6.       If you want your order will be processed immediately, please do confirmation payment in the following manner :

a.       Online confirmation via email : / ym online support listed in the website

b.      Confirmation via sms management hp

And the format will be: - Your Name - Nominal - Your account and your name bank - transfer date - account bank admin

Example : - Sinta - Rp. 300.000,- BCA Sinta - 01 May 2010 - BCA Admin

Means :, Sinta do a payment transfer Rp. 300.000, from BCA Sinta on 01 May 2010 to account BCA admin

7.       Goods will be sent after we receive your payment fully.

8.       Would you please re-confirm (via sms / email / ym online support) if the package you have received.

9.       Thank you for shopping at

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